volunteer Updates

June 19, 2024

Greetings Volunteers (and parents)!

Here’s some additional upcoming events and volunteer opportunities


Certified First Aid Training

NB DPRCS is providing CPR/First Aid training for Buddy Ball volunteers on Wednesday, June 26. This is open to those of you who are at least 14yo as of June 26.

There are 2 sessions available: 8:30am-1:00pm and 1:30pm-5:00pm. However, they are trying to fill the 8:30am – 1:00pm session first. 

If you are interested, please go to the CommunityPass website to create an account, and then register here: CPR/First Aid Registration

Upon completion of the training, you will receive 4 hours of volunteer service from Buddy Ball for this training.


Volunteer Hours

Please make sure to check in each week at the table. The most up-to-date record of your volunteer hours will be displayed here:

Volunteer Hours